modern exterior shot napisz tekst do archsynth tak aby wykonywal zabudowe w tle poprawir kolorystyke realistyczna wizualizacja dodac delikatne otoczenie itp chatgpt oto przyk adowy tekst do archsynth prosz o wykonanie realistycznej wizualizacji przedstawionej zabudowy w tle z uwzgl dnieniem nast puj cych zmian i dodatk w poprawa kolorystyki zwi kszenie nasycenia i kontrastu kolor w budynku aby lepiej harmonizowa z otoczeniem prosz tak e o dodanie delikatnych cieni i refleks w aby nada g bi i realistyczny wygl d realistyczne otoczenie dodanie bardziej realistycznej trawy z r nymi odcieniami zieleni co nada ca o ci naturalny wygl d mo na r wnie doda kwiaty i inne ro liny w r nych miejscach wok budynku drzewa i ro linno zaktualizowanie drzew wok budynku aby wygl da y bardziej realistycznie z bardziej zr nicowan koron i tekstur li ci dodanie r norodnych ro lin na tarasach budynku z realistycznym wygl dem li ci i kwiat w niebo i o wietlenie zaktualizowanie wygl du nieba aby by o bardziej realistyczne z delikatnymi chmurami i naturalnym o wietleniem prosz tak e o dodanie mi kkiego wiat a s onecznego kt re podkre li detale budynku elementy dodatkowe mo na doda delikatne elementy architektoniczne takie jak awki cie ki czy ozdobne o wietlenie wok budynku aby nada ca o ci bardziej sp jny i przyjazny wygl d ludzie i aktywno dodanie postaci ludzi w r nych miejscach wok budynku co nada scenie ycia i aktywno ci prosz jednak aby postacie by y wkomponowane w spos b subtelny i naturalny prosz o wykonanie powy szych zmian aby stworzy bardziej realistyczn i przyjazn wizualizacj zabudowy dzi kuj ten tekst powinien dostarczy szczeg owych instrukcji aby archsynth m g zrealizowa twoje oczekiwania dotycz ce poprawy wizualizacji napisz to po angiesku w skrocpnej wersji proste polecenia chatgpt here s a concise version of the instructions in english please create a realistic visualization of the building in the background with the following adjustments color adjustment enhance the colors and contrast of the building for better harmony with the environment add subtle shadows and reflections for depth realistic surroundings improve the grass texture with varying shades of green and add flowers and other plants around the building trees and vegetation update the trees to look more realistic with diverse foliage textures add various plants on the building terraces sky and lighting enhance the sky with realistic clouds and natural lighting add soft sunlight to highlight building details additional elements add subtle architectural elements like benches pathways and decorative lighting around the building people and activity include people around the building to add life and activity ensuring they blend naturally into the scene thank you this should provide clear and concise instructions for archsynth to enhance the visualization napisz tekst do archsynth tak aby wykonal modernistyczne spokojne jas e i harmoniczne wnetrzne bialy tynk i beton chatgpt here are the instructions for archsynth please create a modern calm and harmonious interior design with the following specifications material and texture use white plaster and concrete for the surfaces lighting ensure the lighting is soft and evenly distributed to enhance the serene atmosphere color scheme maintain a predominantly white color scheme to keep the space bright and tranquil design elements incorporate minimalistic design elements that align with modern aesthetics space organization arrange the interior layout to maximize openness and simplicity natural light emphasize the use of natural light through windows and openings thank you this concise text provides clear instructions for archsynth to create the desired interior design napisz tekst do archsynth tak aby wykonal post digital wizulizacje dodal zielen aby stworzyc atmosfrete oazy dodatkowe pn ce winorosle jasny minimalistyczny budynek chatgpt here s the instruction text for archsynth please create a post digital visualization of the building with the following specifications greenery add lush greenery around the building to create an oasis like atmosphere climbing plants incorporate climbing vines on the exterior walls to enhance the natural feel building design ensure the building remains bright and minimalist lighting use natural and soft lighting to highlight the building s modern design surroundings include subtle realistic landscaping elements to complement the overall aesthetic thank you this concise text provides clear instructions for archsynth to achieve the desired visualization napisz tekst do archsynth tak aby wykonal post digital wizulizacje jasne wnetrze dodac miejsca do siedzenia wnetrze szkloly chatgpt here s the instruction text for archsynth please create a post digital visualization of a school interior with the following specifications bright interior ensure the interior is well lit with a bright and welcoming atmosphere seating areas add various seating areas throughout the space for students and teachers design elements incorporate modern minimalist design elements materials use glass and light colored materials to maintain openness and transparency functional spaces include functional areas such as study zones lounge areas and collaborative spaces thank you this concise text provides clear instructions for archsynth to achieve the desired school interior visualization napisz tekst do archsynth tak aby wykonal post digital wizulizacje zielen w tle za oknami jasne wnetrze dodac miejsca do siedzenia wnetrze szkloly chatgpt here s the instruction text for archsynth please create a post digital visualization of a school interior with the following specifications greenery add lush greenery visible through the windows to create a refreshing background bright interior ensure the interior is well lit bright and welcoming seating areas add various seating areas throughout the space for students and teachers design elements incorporate modern minimalist design elements materials use glass and light colored materials to maintain openness and transparency functional spaces include functional areas such as study zones lounge areas and collaborative spaces thank you this concise text provides clear instructions for archsynth to achieve the desired school interior visualization niski rozlegly budynek jak po ang chatgpt here s the instruction text for archsynth in english please create a post digital visualization of a low sprawling school building interior with the following specifications greenery add lush greenery visible through the windows to create a refreshing background bright interior ensure the interior is well lit bright and welcoming seating areas add various seating areas throughout the space for students and teachers design elements incorporate modern minimalist design elements materials use glass and light colored materials to maintain openness and transparency functional spaces include functional areas such as study zones lounge areas and collaborative spaces architecture