expessionism exterior shot render a beautiful modern house with a clean and minimalist design use a soft white color f5f5f5 for the walls of the house to give it a pristine and fresh appearance the roof should be a muted grey a9a9a9 to complement the modern aesthetic add large clear windows with sleek black frames 000000 to enhance the contemporary feel in the front yard include lush green grass 7cfc00 and place a few well groomed bushes and small trees in varying shades of green 228b22 32cd32 to create a welcoming atmosphere add a light grey d3d3d3 concrete pathway leading to the entrance the fence surrounding the property should be a stylish black wrought iron 212121 paired with warm brick pillars b22222 to create a harmonious balance between traditional and modern design elements in the background add a few towering green trees 008000 to create a serene and natural setting the sky should be a vibrant blue 87ceeb with soft white clouds ffffff to evoke a sunny pleasant day position a couple of pedestrians on the sidewalk dressed in casual attire to add a sense of liveliness and community ensure the overall atmosphere is bright cheerful and inviting architecture